Official Selections

Tucson Salvage

A meditation on five humans living on the margins in Tucson, Arizona. Through perseverance, each has found their own path through hardship and suffering.

10:00 pm
Sep 14
Runtime: 30:00

The documentary Tucson Salvage is a meditation on five humans living on the margins in Tucson, Arizona, inspired by the Tucson Weekly column and collection by Brian Jabas Smith. By combining raw, evocative imagery and the undiluted voices of her subjects, first-time director Maggie Smith has created an intimate, unflinching look at stories rarely seen on the big screen – as much about fighting as suffering, transcending as falling prey to pain. All five individuals - man, woman and trans- have suffered at the hands of traditional society, and have been pushed to escape the mental and physical imprisonment of their bodies, their attitudes and their spirits. Some are ex-cons and recovered junkies, but none are passive victims. Gritty and emotionally challenging, Tucson Salvage lets you in close to people not usually seen or valued in society, and in doing so holds a mirror to us all.

Writer : Brian Smith
Director : Maggie Smith
Executive Producer : Lowell Rottenberg
Cinematographer : Tim Gillis