Official Selections


An estranged brother and sister must face each other for the first time in years after their mother falls ill.

1:00 pm
Sep 18
Runtime: 11:55

An estranged brother and sister must face each other for the first time in years after their mother falls ill. As he travels home, we tumble through the family's memories of their struggles as a young immigrant family, moving from place to place, growing @ as they struggle to keep afloat. And as they get closer to each other, the siblings contend with their regrets... and hope that some good may come from this moment.

Director/Writer/Producer/Editor : Daniel Larios
Associate Producer : Leslie Escudero
Cinematographer : Bryce Valis
Kid Mother/Kid Sister : Sydney Sepulveda
Kid Brother : Juilian Cardenas
Mother/Grandmother : Lilly Mettler